Lucile, jewellery designer, tells us about her brand: MAMA HONUA

Lucile, jewellery designer, tells us about her brand: MAMA HONUA

Mama Honua is a brand of handmade jewellery with a retro-bohemian feel, based in Normandy, France.

Honua means 'planet', 'land "Lucile chose this name to emphasise her desire to be environmentally friendly.

Mama" was added to Honua for the human and feminine side of the brand.


1/ When and how did you discover your love for jewellery design?

Coming from a lingerie design background, I was happy with the meticulousness of this type of work, but not with its concrete realization (= sewing). It was when I was looking for some elements to make bracelets and when I got hold of some pliers that it was love at first sight. As I delved deeper into the subject and started to handle a bocfil, files and other torches, I knew that this was what I needed.

2/ What is the best thing about being a jewellery designer?
Freedom: to organise my days as I please, to choose my working partners, my artistic direction, the world and the tone I want to give to my brand. It's not always easy to make decisions when you're on your own.It's not always easy to make decisions when you're on your own, but it's also very satisfying to see yourself progressing on a daily basis.
modern jewelry box
3/ Where do you find your inspiration?
My inspiration often comes from "groping around". I start with a crush on a stone that I imagine on a necklace, a ring, a bracelet or earrings. And as I try things out, the project becomes more refined. 
It can also come from a very precise idea to trace or shape on the metal. One thing is certain, I like lightness and finesse.
4/ What advantages do you see in the Makk Design jewellery display concept?
I started by using Makk Design displays for the various designer markets I attend, and then for the boutiques and pop-ups where I display my jewellery.
I often combine them with vintage glass and brass boxes, which go very well with them. The wood of the displays underlines the "natural" aspect that I want to give to my atmosphere and that fits well with my brand identity. I often get compliments on my overall look, and even customers who want to buy my displays ;) I like to explain to them that it is also part of my approach to buy from another French designer.
wooden jewelry support

5/ Where do you see your jewellery brand in 5 years?

In 5 years I hope that Mama Honua will continue to grow, maybe integrate other people into the adventure (I currently work alone from A to Z), and maybe add other collections that change the jewellery... But shhhh! We'll see then!
6/ Do you have any advice for people who want to start an entrepreneurial adventure? 
Don't neglect your weekends and holidays ? Making a living from your passion is good, but to keep it a passion you must not let it swallow you up! Make sure you are well surrounded by people who support you and are there for you. And never say "never"! From then on, you can go for it! 
professional jewellery display

7/ And finally, do you have a phrase/quote or mantra that inspires you?
"FIRE NEEDS AIR" is an apt quote when creating jewellery and wielding a blowtorch, but it applies to just about everything in life. 
For me, it's a bit like praising measure: not seeing everything in black and white, but realising that for everything there are a multitude of nuances that fit together. 

Thank you Lucile for this interview! :)

You can find his online shop here:
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